Organization: Asset Africa Institute
Registration deadline: 14 Sep 2015
Starting date: 22 Sep 2015
Ending date: 25 Sep 2015
Dear Partner,
Asset Africa Institute (, is a premier development training brand in Africa which endeavors to build and enhance the skills development needs of public benefit organizations to produce better, more skilled organization staff , with increased ability to manage projects with greater confidence, effectively monitor projects to improve results and quality while instituting strong, well focused and highly motivated project teams. We are pleased to announce the following training workshop in the month of September 2015.
Course Name: Project Cycle Management Training Workshop
Date: 22nd-25th September 2015
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya
Cost: USD 600
Need for training
The ability of a project to effectively deliver on expected outcomes is dependent on the integrity of its design, the environment in which it is being implemented and the presence of relevant skills among project implementation teams.
Many of the staff involved in the design and implementation of projects have not had formal training in project cycle management .Moreover, highly evolving environments in which projects are designed, implemented and evaluated demand that project team members constantly update themselves on the current trends in the management of the project cycle.
Consequently, this 4 day intensive and highly interactive training workshop equips your staff with the latest skills, tools and insights in the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of programs to improve their management skills and produce better results.
Overall Objective: To enhance and accelerate the effective delivery of programmatic outcomes through the upgrade of key competencies in the management of the various aspect and phases of the project cycle among organization staff.
PCM Workshop: Broad Course Outline
Overview of the Project Cycle Management
Foundations of Project Cycle Management
·What is a project? How does project management benefit you?
·Project cycle management (PCM): PCM control tool, the 3 PCM Principles & “*The Triple Constraint”*
·Managing the “Scope” of the Project: Project Teams, Project Governance, Role and qualities of Project managers
Project Identification
·Why***this*** project?
·Needs and Assets Assessment, Statement of the Problem & Donor Identification
Logical framework in project planning
• Introduction to Logical Framework approach in program design & Common Log Frame difficulties
•Concepts Used in Log Frames: Goal,(D.O), Outputs, Component*Activities, Indicators, MOV, Assumptions,
**Phases in LFA*
•The Analysis Phase, The problem Phase, The Strategy Phase, The Planning Phase, The Log Frame Matrix
•Means and Costs, Limitations and Risks
•LFA and strategic planning in the Project Cycle
Resource Mobilization and Fundraising in the PCM
·Fund raising tips & Digital fund raising strategies-Best Approaches and Case Studies
·Proposal Components
Participants will get samples of some excellent project proposals which have been funded for use as reference materials to design fundable projects for their organizations
Project Budgeting in the PCM
·Budget definitions, Project budgeting basics, Budget Preparation & Budget guidelines
·Purposes for budgeting: Control and evaluation, Planning, Communication & Motivation
·Revenue, Overheads, Fringe Benefits & Estimation of Expenses
Project Implementation
·Project Implementation Stages
·Procurement Management, Communications management, Personnel Management, Stakeholder Management, Donor Relations Management & Bottlenecks in Project Implementation
Introduction to M &E
·The place of M & E in development programming
·Integrating M & E in each phase of the PCM cycle
M &E Plans & Frameworks
·Definition of framework
·Theoretical framework, Conceptual framework, Results framework, Logical framework, Logic Models
·M & E Plans
Data Collection, Capture, and Processing
·Data definition, Data collection tools, Data collection methods, Data capture & Data processing
Data Analysis, Interpretation & M & E Reports
·Types of data analysis
·Types of variables and their measurement, Measures of central tendency, Data analysis plans, Descriptive, statistics, cross-tabulations, inferential analysis, Levels of measurement
·Types of Reports, Writing a good M & E Report
End of Project Evaluation & Project Close-out
·The Final Evaluation-“***Most Significant Change Approach”*** to evaluation
· Communicating evaluation results
·Role of HR, Finance and program & Pitfalls to avoid in project close out
How to register for the PCM training workshop
To enable us register you for the above training workshop, download and fill in the registration form and email it back to us.
For more information regarding the training, Contact:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/750342373
How to register:
How to register for the PCM training workshop
To enable us register you for the above training workshop, download and fill in the registration form and email it back to us.
For more information regarding the training, Contact:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/750342373